FIRST COMMUNION DATES and info For 2023-2024
All workshops at SMM Church Hall and
expected to participate in the 11:00 am Mass.
08/29 Thursday 7:00 pm – Parents Meeting
10/06 Sunday 9:30 – 11:00 am First Workshop
01/05 Sunday 9:30 – 11:00 am Second Workshop
02/23 Sunday 9:30 – 11:00 am Third Workshop
03/09 Sunday 9:30 – 11:00 am Fourth and Final Workshop
04/02 Wednesday 6:00 pm Confession for Communicants
04/20 Easter Sunday Celebration family participation
05/14 Wednesday at 6:30 pm Rehearsal only for SMM students
05/17 Saturday 12 noon First Holy Communion Mass at SMM Church
05/21 Wednesday at 6:30 pm Rehearsal only for SFA students
05/24 Saturday 12 noon First Holy Communion Mass at SFA Church

Attire and Additional Instructions
Students should look presentable.
Boys should wear any color dress pants, white / light button down shirt and tie, many wear a full suit.
Girls should wear white dresses, they may wear a veil, or flowers in their hair.
Please arrive 45 minutes early for a brief practice in the church hall.
Families are asked not to take pictures during Mass.
A photographer is provided for you.