Diaper and Wipe Drive
Thank you for your diaper and wipes donation. Your generosity is invaluable to the Pregnancy Centers and the mothers and babies using them. Your donation is very much appreciated!!
Hartford March for Life
The Hartford March for Life will be held on Wednesday, March 19th. The rally will begin at 12:00 noon in front of the State Capitol, and we will march around Bushnell Park starting at 1:00 PM. Go to https://marchforlife.org/connecticut/ to register. If you are interested in using the buses provided by the Knights of Columbus, scroll down to the Travel section, select BUS to reserve your seat. The one closest to SW is departing from 25 St. Bernard’s Terrace, Vernon.
Contact Justin Paulin (justin.paulin@gmail.com) to reserve your seat. There may be more locations available going forward.